Find your Power

It’s time to explore your role in honoring the cultivation of all living organisms as they merge with the human social experiment. According to Ahuvyah offers energy shifting experiences that enhance the innate awareness of your sovereign expression. Energy shifting is a natural rejuvenator for the nervous system when done consistently! I would love to partner with you and your spirit guides as we all continue this expansion.


I AM energy… air, space, time, water, fire, earth, metal, my fears, my joy, my memories, and my experiences. Embracing my true SELF has deconstructed my entire consciousness. According to Ahuvyah embodies the energetic world dialogue that is so often left out, when deconstructing realms of consciousness that no longer serve PLANET EMANCIPATION. I am part of a species that is here to bring the etheric realm back to the “physical” table…

Growing Organic Inside & Out

“We are in a renewed cultivation, the ascension of the human species, which aligns with a cultivation (consciousness) that has no ideologies filled with (pesticides, fertilizers, or insecticides,) shifting the cultural paradigm to one of deep self-awareness, self-control, and empathy for all living organisms. This expansion will be the impetus to allow all species the energetic awareness of true life and living.” According to Ahuvyah

My Sovereignty Fast

The Breathing Bar

The Breathing Bar Podcast serves up elixirs and tonics fused with all the pungent, sweet, bitter and savory herbs and fruits from this apothecary called “living while human.” My most popular drinks are “peaceful conflict” and “control yourSELF.” I know you will find something that will satisfy you. So come in relax and BREATHE!